Tips for buying the most eco-friendly fruit & veg
There’s no one brand of fruit or veg we’ll recommend here, buying these is a decision best made based on the availability of good ingredients in the shops near you. To help make the best decisions, here are four tips for choosing fruit, veg and herbs:
1. Buy from independent stores
If there’s an independent greengrocers near you, or a farmer’s market, try shopping there. You’ll be cutting out the middleman (supermarkets) and getting your greens from as close to the source as possible.
Not only will this reduce CO2 emissions via air miles & shipping of food, but money will be going back into your local economy instead of into the pockets of big companies!
2. Buy organic
If the option is available, and you can afford it, try to by only organic fruits and vegetables.
Organic produce hasn’t been grown with harmful chemicals which contribute to the destruction of nature and the decrease in populations of bees and other important insects.
3. Avoid plastic packaging
If the retailer has an option between produce wrapped in plastic and fresh produce – opt for the fresh stuff.
If you don’t like putting your veggies straight into your basket, maybe take your own reusable bag or container with you to keep your goodies clean on your way to the counter.
4. Buy British
Obviously you won’t be able to get your hands on British bananas or avocados, but if your local shop has a choice always buy the produce from closest to home. You’ll be helping the economy and reducing the freight miles and carbon footprint of your food.
If you’re reading this from elsewhere in the world – shop local too!