Scottish Greens to hold vote on continuing SNP alliance

Scottish Greens Logo

The Scottish Greens are set to hold a vote on whether to continue governing Scotland in a power-sharing deal with the SNP. The Greens and the SNP have been in power together in Scotland since signing the Bute House Agreement in August 2021. This week the power-sharing deal came under fresh strain as Scotland was forced to ditch climate targets.

The parties have also had their differences over support for Trans rights, with the Greens being staunchly pro-LGBT and the SNP having a mixed record of supporting and opposing more rights for trans and non-binary people.

Following a difficult week for both the Scottish Greens and the SNP, the Greens will hold an extraordinary meeting where members can vote on whether or not to continue sharing power with the SNP in Scotland or return to opposition. It’s understood that Green co-leaders Lorna Slater and Patrick Harvie will encourage members to vote in favour of continuing the alliance with the SNP.

Daniel Johnston Menezes

Game developer, font designer and founder of, involved in green activism for over a decade.

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