Eco-friendly brands app Earthize launches December 13th


Earthize is a new website and Android app launching December 13th which allows users to search for eco-friendly brands, cutting through the greenwash and having a real impact on the environment.

“Our politicians, lobbied heavily by fossil fuel companies, have failed us again at COP28. We developed Earthize to beat them at their own game.” says Earthize Managing Director Daniel Johnston. “If the only thing on their minds is profit, then we’ll have to hit them in the pockets”.

Users can type keywords into the search bar on Earthize such as “Banks”, “Mobile Phones” or “Crisps”, and the app shows them a list of the most eco-friendly goods and services.

Each entry in the app’s database has specific markers so that consumers can see whether products are vegan, plastic-free or made with only renewable energy. More complex services like bank accounts or mobile phone contracts have a written description to inform users why they’re more eco-friendly than your average high street name.

Unlike similar websites, Earthize doesn’t require users to sign up and hand over their personal details, there are no subscriptions and it’s designed to avoid overloading the user with too much information.

“People often don’t realise how much power they have in their own hands to fight climate change without turning their lives upside down”, says Daniel Johnston. “It’s about giving those eco-friendly brands a fighting chance and making sure your money doesn’t end up in a fossil fuel company’s offshore bank account!”

The website and Android app launch together on Wednesday 13th December, just in time to check out the most eco-friendly places to grab your last minute Christmas shopping. The Earthize team plans to release an iPhone app in future, as well as adding more brands and features to the existing app.

Daniel Johnston Menezes

Game developer, font designer and founder of, involved in green activism for over a decade.

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